Getting prepared for your appointment is just as important as your after care. Take a few minutes to review our suggested before appointment prep.
What you need to know & do!
*You should also stop taking blood thinners at least three days before the procedure. These include advil, aspirin, fish oils, as well as certain vitamins to reduce the possibility of bleeding.
*If you plan to undergo Botox or other kinds of injections within the eye area, you have to do way before getting a permanent eyeliner. You also need to be fully healed, at least two weeks before you get an appointment for a permanent eyeliner.
*If you are expecting a child or nursing, or perhaps you have illnesses like diabetes, you may not be an ideal candidate for the procedure. In case you are taking some medications, always talk to your doctor first before pushing through with your plans of undergoing permanent or semi permanent eyeliner.
*If you are using Accutane or other kinds of retinoids, you have to be off the medication at least six months before you can get the procedure.
*Remove your lash extensions at least one week before getting a permanent eyeliner. Leaving the extensions or taking it out a few days only before getting the procedure means there could be glue that’s left behind, which may interfere with the pigment.
*In case you are wearing contact lenses, you have to remove them before getting the procedure. Also, remember that you won’t be able to wear them a few days after the procedure because your eyes may feel tender or swollen after the procedure.
Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.